On 4/23/07, Klaus Weiss <address@hidden> wrote: > > For example, it is good the webapp does not need mod_rewrite, being the > > format of the URL requests similar to the current one. That is to say, the
> > webapp have a site-entry-point directory, and includes libraries from others > > directories, which are not accessible via HTTP requests. > > > > What do you think? > > Yes mod_rewrite isn't absolutely needed. The webapp can always be
> reached through index.php?cntr=foo&action="" However we need > something (probably a function within the HTML helper) to describe URLs > easy. So that the webapp itself can decide whether it display URLs like
> in mod_rewrite or the standard way.
Here are a couple usability hints I've picked up so far for good URLs:
Don't use several roots (
"www.gnuherds.org" and "gnuherds.org"), they will be indexed as different sites by search engines.
Use short URLs as much as possible:
Only use "www." at the beginning of URLs if "site.tld" is the default, and that's using another protocol. I.e., we should use gnuherds.org, not
www.gnuherds.org, for the web site as long as gnuherds.org is primarily that.
Use technology independent URLs. I.e., use /jobs/ instead of /jobs.php. It's also good if the programming language ever changes.
Don't include protocol and site name when linking to the same site. I.e., links should be of the form "/blah", instead of "http://gnuherds.org/blah". This is already done some places, I believe.
Refer to "directory/" instead of "directory/index.php". The former will resolve to the latter on the server side if the server is properly configured. This also works for forms.
Make sure URLs are readable as far as possible. "/jobs" is IMO a lot more readable than the current "/FS_Job_Offers.php".
These tips can be easily done with mod_rewrite (anyone using old bookmarks will just be redirected) and a couple renamings of files, and would be good SEO and usability practice.
-- Victor Engmark Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound