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Re: Microformats and logical URLs -- mod_rewrite

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: Microformats and logical URLs -- mod_rewrite
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:27:46 +0200

On 4/23/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
So, it seems that using mod_rewrite is even convenient. It makes it easier to
define the logical URLs. What I propose now is:

   physical URLs:      *.php

   logical URLs:       /tag

I think the Klaus' architecture should take all this into account. And as
Victor exposed, it could be easy add this mod_rewrite layer to the current
webapp at production. What do you think?

*Nodding vigorously*

The logical-physical URLs relation which I propose is:

I think this should just be - There's no reason to "waste" the root URL.
                      /news or /timeline ???

Depends on whether the suggestion to move the data into a separate news page is followed through.
                      /guide ???

Some suggestions, with bookmark count from
Surprising results, with "development" coming in first, at about 20% more than "develop". I guess we should use that.
                      /business or business_networks  ???

After having a look at the page, I believe the current name is misleading. It's just a collection of links to sites related the same kind of activity GNU Herds does. I'd use "/links" for that page.
                      /evote ???

This could be part of a general FAQ. It looks as though a lot of the content could be removed:
A short description of how the system works should IMO be enough.
                      /lost_password ???

/password, maybe? I don't think that's likely to ever be used for anything else.

All these should IMO be at "/register", with a single link from the front page, as discussed.
                      /view_job_offer?JobOfferId=XXX  ???

If you move FS_Job_Offers.php to /jobs, this could just be "/jobs?id=XXX". Like Google's "/search?q=search+terms".

How about /experience? That's the word used by the hResume microformat.
                      / ???

How about "/jobs?owner=me"?
                      / ???

I suggest "/jobs?applied=yes".
                      /offer or /joboffer ???

Is this different from View_Job_Offer.php?
                      / ???

I suggest "/jobs?action=""

How about just "/qualifications?id=XXX"?

The general idea of the suggested URLs is that each type of object has its own path ( e.g., "/jobs"), and different parameters to define actions (e.g., "?action="" and filtering (e.g., "?id=XXX" and "?applied=yes").

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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