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Re: Microformats and logical URLs -- mod_rewrite

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: Microformats and logical URLs -- mod_rewrite
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:55:18 +0200

On 4/26/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:
>    - /jobs?action="" - Edit both job applications and offers?

Of course it needs the 'id' of the job offer to edit.

Not necessarily - We should have an interface to do multiple edits at the same time. It would e.g. be very useful to get an overview of the applications, and process them all on the same page.

The problem is that the form to edit a job offer is absolutely independent
of the form to process the job offer applications. I propose:

       /jobs?action="" - To edit the job offer itself
       /jobs?action="" - To process the job offer applications

"process" is IMO too general - What does it really mean? I'd rather go for "/application?action="">

Lets take a look again to a subset of the logic URLs:

  /job - Show all available job offers
        * action taken by default as "action="">        * type taken by default as "type=offer"
        * id taken by default as "id=all"
        * owner taken by default as "owner=anybody"

Cool. As a side note (you've probably planned this already), we shouldn't show the parameters which select everything - That should be implicit by not including them. I.e., "/job?action="" == "/job?action="">

Maybe the below should show all the job offers, instead of all _my_ job
offers. It should raise the same operation than just "/job".

  /job?type=offer - Show all my job offers
        * action taken by default as "action=""
        * id taken by default as "id=all"

Strictly OO oriented, we don't handle jobs per se, just job offers and applications. So I propose to use /offer[s] and /application[s], in this way:
  • /offer?id=XXX - Show a single job offer
  • /offers - Show all job offers
  • /offers?owner=me - All job offers owned (proposed) by me
And the same for application(s). That's one less parameter, and the URL should be easily readable.

Note as the plural is got only if 'id' value is "all". So, maybe we should
    "type=offer"        instead of  "type=offers"
    "type=application"  instead of  "type=applications"
and even:
    "/job"              instead of  "/jobs".

Anyway, maybe it is better use "/jobs" because of it is a better tag?. What do
you think?

I think the readability of the URL is more important than the tag, mainly because most people won't be tagging single job offers (since they are transitory), but rather our site. Useful tags could be in our keywords meta tag.

Object Oriented analysis


      offers (job offers)
      applications (job applications)

As above, I think it's better if we restrict ourselves to handling offers and applications, as related to an abstract job.



"register" should IMO not be an object. All registration information should be saved with the person/company/nonprofit.


  action = "" XXX]
  type   = [offer,application XXX]
  id     = [all, XXX]
  owner  = [anybody, me]

As above, the "all" type values are unnecessary; just don't include the parameter (or leave its value empty, as when submitting a search form).

I would move "register" to be an action instead of being an "object".  I
suppose it is so main to be "/register" instead
of  "/person?action="" . What do you think?

I agree.

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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