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Re: [GNU Herds]: hosting at the FSF ?

From: GNU Herds work team
Subject: Re: [GNU Herds]: hosting at the FSF ?
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:24:28 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Richard Stallman wrote:
> I don't understand -- what change you have in mind?
> And why?

We listed the technical and functional changes but we forgot
to answer the  "And why?"

Our motivation:

We want to create, maintain and improve the association tools to help 
ourselves, as members of such association, in our professional capacity as 
Free Software producers.  That is to say, to take the opportunity to develop 
free software, write free documentation, etc., getting money for it.

We, as members of such association, will be able to use the association tools 
(the job site, etc.) to help ourselves to get a job, to create or expand our 
own business, etc.

Everything following the Free Software philosophy.

The project is a proposal. It is the base to work for the next years.
Feel free to let us know what must be changed.

Best regards,
The work team

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