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Re: software distribution criteria

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: software distribution criteria
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 22:01:07 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Richard Stallman wrote:
> The new version speaks of "recommending, promoting or granting
> legitimacy to" non-free software.

"recommending" is already expressed by "promoting".
"granting legitimacy" is another way to promote too.

I think the criteria should be just:

   "not promote the use of non-free software"

Anyway it is good add examples:
  * "recommending"  is an example which matches the "promote" criteria.
  * "granting legitimacy"  is another one which matches the "promote"

All behaviors which we want to avoid are finally reduced to the 'promote' 
action. And _what_ we want to avoid is _promote_ non-free software.

We should keep the criteria the more simple possible.

Richard Stallman wrote:
> If we can make the wording a clearer on this point, without making a
> lot of work for ourselves or opening up other problems, then let's do so.

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