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Re: GNU Herds' Portuguese translation -- update

From: Duarte Loreto
Subject: Re: GNU Herds' Portuguese translation -- update
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 23:37:12 +0000

I actually also like it more centered and all bold, as in your last example link! In portuguese, as it is quite similar to spanish, we also get the odd effect of translating
msgstr "Oferta de %1emprego%2"

If others disagree with setting the text as centered, I would like people to at least considering turning the text all bold (or lose bold completely) as the "1st word bold" is not that i10n-friendly ;)

I'm glad that simple remark was appreciated. With my best regards,

Duarte Loreto

On Feb 11, 2008 8:07 PM, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Duarte Loreto wrote:
> I'm updating the po file you sent me and I noticed something you might want
> to consider changing on the spanish translation:
> msgid "%1Job%2 offer"
> msgstr "%1Oferta%2 de empleo"
> I believe that it would be more adequate to translate as
> msgstr "Oferta de %1empleo%2"

Oops! Your are right!

It should be the right thing to do, but is looks odd: <-- odd

I think Victor advised about centering the title:

I like this last one, which is centered:

As usual, feel free to expose any disagreement, comments, etc.

Thanks you very much for another great comment. The GNU Herds project has been
built on lots of comments as this one, improving step by step.

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