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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Pregnancy Calculator - in Main Trunk

From: richard terry
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Pregnancy Calculator - in Main Trunk
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 15:00:35 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Thanks Michael,

BTW. Can you add this functionality.

When I type the date in the Scan Date Text box directly (ie not via the 
calender) and then enter the weeks and days, the EDC should be updated. This 
date field needs validating as a valid date.

Also one should be able to manually type into the LMP textbox (ie not use the 
calender) and the result should be the same as clicking on the calender once 
the enter key is pressed or it loses focus. Also we need data validation 
routines on this text box, and automagically expanding dates eg if I type in 
010306 it should become 01/03/2005 (if I'm in OZ, but in the US I susepct it 
is Third January 2006 (Does the us signifiy its day/months back to front to 
some of us?)



On Mon, 7 Jul 2003 02:43 pm, Michael Bonert wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> I've moved '' to wxpython/patient (and removed
> wxpython/patient/ & test-area/michaelb/
> If you re-bootstrap the database you'll find the new pregnancy calculator
> has replaced the older two-calender one (  If you don't
> want to re-bootstrap change "gmCalcPreg" to "gmPregCalc" in the
> "public.cfg_str_array" table of the db.
> Recent changes in the new pregnancy calculator include:
> - Tooltips (to guide the use of the preg calc)
> - calendar flips to 18 week date --when 'Scan Date' field is activated
> - fields that shouldn't be changed (e.g. EDC, Rev EDC) are now locked
> Michael
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