Have tried what you suggested to no avail. Note that it bombs out before
the AMIS test data (which of course I don't have anyway - this
installation script needs modifying so as if one installs test data it
dosn't request that - unless of course it is needed, in which case it
should be supplied (if possible legally).
If one uses the script redo-public.sh then one will
not be bothered by missing AMIS data.
I once again enclose the log file, but again, it crashes as the same
place: ===================================================
2004-12-08 17:09:07 [DATA]
insert into lnk_pat2vacc_reg (fk_patient, fk_regime) values (
(select pk_regime from v_vacc_regimes where regime='Tetanus
(STIKO)') )
2004-12-08 17:09:07 [ERROR]
../sql/test-data/test_data-James_Kirk.sql:73: ERROR: ExecInsert: Fail to
add null value in not null attribute fk_regime
1) please make sure you have the lastest source
2) this (or some variant thereof) won't work until Psql.py
gains transaction awareness which I have been unable to
provide yet
3) nevertheless, one can still work around that problem:
- a bootstrap should fails on lab regression test data only
- this is harmless unless one wants to do lab regressions
- it is possible to still import that test data with:
psql -d gnumed -U gm-dbowner -f lab_regression*.sql