Guys I need some help with this.
If anyone remembers which email address Horst said he was picking up, can
they forward this to him as well for his comments.
I've attatched a .rtf with an agreement. Margaret to her credit is concerned
it is too formal and is happy to re-arrange some of the wording as long as it
covers their copyright stuff, and still have it loose enough for us to
download. The agreement needs to be distributed with the dataset to users.
Can any interested parties read the attatched file and fire back some
suggestions (perhaps a modified file to me eg Agreement_KarstenVersion.rtf,
then I will take all suggestions into account and mail a single modified file
back to Margaret.
I've added some comments in asterix *** coments *** in a couple of sections
which I feel need changing.
Please be patient with this as Margaret does not seem particularly concerned
about the wording. I rang her and had a long chat to her after receiving the
email below, and in fact as mentioned she was concerned it was 'too
We are after all dealing with a commercial organisation who are not used to
dealing with open-source and I feel they have come a long way in agreeing to
give us the old data for distribution with gnuMed.
Note also that we will very possibly get a prescribing dataset in the not too
distant future (see below).
From Margaret Pritchard in MIMS:
Hi Richard
How's this? I hope it doesn't seem too formal. I also spoke with Anna
about the abbreviated data and she thinks that it shouldn't be a
problem. I will just need to get it into the AMDT format for you. I'm
off to Singapore today so I will look at it next week.
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