On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Sebastian Hilbert
<address@hidden> wrote:
Two comments.
Will be intersting to see if they actually release something useful.
Yes it will.
Look at their price tag. A hosted server is $535 per month ??? What doctor has
that kind of money.
I laughed a little when you said "What doctor has that kind of money", but considering when you mention next...
In Germany support comes in at around $100 a month which
includes regular updates on the billing engine.
The pro version to buy is $5899 ? There is hardly any German practice software
which costs that kind of money and I am pretty sure with all the forms we have
to print the systems in the German market are not worth than the Medscribbler
...they are asking for a lot just the same. I can only guess that these people have real confidence in their software or are prepared to gouge technically-illiterate hospital directors and doctors.
This either means. I got it all wrong or US physicians earn a lot more than
doctors in Germany.
In Canada, a General Practitioner usually makes $120,000 to start. Can't say much about the USA
Lets see. It is Windows only and seems to depend on Microsoft SQL server.