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[Gnumed-devel] address@hidden: openEHR in 2010- where to focus our effor

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] address@hidden: openEHR in 2010- where to focus our effort?]
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 20:26:31 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

----- Forwarded message from "Shannon Tony (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS 
Trust)" <address@hidden> -----

> Subject: openEHR in 2010- where to focus our effort?
> Dear Colleagues,
> As we have now begun 2010 it might be useful to take a bit of stock of where 
> we are, where we want to be..
> I commented in my last email of 2009 of where I felt progress had been made..
> When looking forward this year, there appears a natural focal point of 
> Medinfo in September 2010 in Cape Town.
> It appears to be a good place to be exploring openEHR progress together.
> With that in mind, last year Tim Cook and Shinji Kobayashi kicked off the 
> idea of a "Connectathon" during Medinfo.
> We did some simple work on a example patient journey, as a means of agreeing 
> something we want to be able to support.
> It's a story of a patient who needs to attend the ED, the GP and some 
> specialty services over his many years as a diabetic...

This link is probably worth linking from the wiki.


> Its not the perfect journey, but I hope it at least serves as a means of 
> debate and discussion.
> So rather than outline my own view of what the openEHR clinical & technical 
> community might need to do to make the Medinfo Connectathon happen, I'd 
> rather a bit of healthy debate please...
> To provoke that debate I'd like to share a variety of questions (with a mix 
> of clinical and technical angles)  that you might like to pick up and and 
> share your thoughts/views on..
> ###
> Who is interested in being involved in an openEHR showcase from a clinical or 
> technical perspective?
> Where are we with openEHR archetype development internationally (ref top 10 
> archetype work in CKM)?
> Where are the key gaps needed in archetypes to support this patient journey?
> Have you done any work locally that might be useful?
> How could we/should we get more clinical interest in this effort and/or 
> clinical approval of these archetypes/templates by professional clinical 
> bodies.?
> This also stimulates related issues like;
> Are the CKM archetypes begin developed at the right level of 
> detail/granularity for this exercise?
> What level of archetype-terminology binding is required to support this 
> patient journey?
> Who can help with the terminology binding work needed?
> What level of templating would need to be done to make this Connecthon work?
> How is the relationship between archetypes and templates developing from 
> where you are ?
> (the technical folk might want to debate slots, specialisation, state of the 
> template spec)
> How are folk using CKM and/or archetype/template editing tools?
> Can we showcase linkage between CKM and local systems at this event?
> Can we showcase openEHR systems handling changes in archetypes and templates?
> What is the state of UI development in openEHR? We need systems with an 
> effective UI to engage clinicians at a showcase I believe.
> Who wants to showcase their UI?
> What are the implications if vendors have differing mean of UI representation?
> How can we most easily demonstrate the value/benefits of openEHR based 
> systems?
> ##
> I'll have emailed this to both the clinical and technical lists to try to get 
> a combined discussion as to these issues going forward...
> (Aware that such a variety of questions might stimulate all sorts of threads, 
> I'm happy to kick off now and pull some conclusions together later..)
> Many thanks for your views back to the community..
> Tony
> Dr. Tony Shannon
> Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
> Clinical Lead for Informatics, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
> Chair, Clinical Review Board, openEHR Foundation
> address@hidden             +44.789.988.5068
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