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[Gnumed-devel] Command line FreeDiams

From: Jim Busser
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Command line FreeDiams
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 15:42:34 -0800

1) I was able, on Mac OS 10.6x, to get FreeDiams to accept


from the command line, but not any of the other parameters (even by 
themselves). Is this yet known to work as intended on other *nix or on Windows? 
If no, I will file as an issue. If not, what is that required form... is it

        <call application> --param1  --param2 --param3 ... ?

2) for GNUmed reference and maybe also FD reference, the method on Mac is not 
exactly as per its own help. So, whereas one *does* do

        open -a <application name>

the additional Mac shell help on how to pass arguments seems unreliable. The 
Mac -W was unable (by me) to be gotten working, except as seemingly redundant 
(and unclean, with command line continuation) as part of

        open -W --args --patientname="James Kirk"

So... except for the part about --patientname being the only argument 
successfully passed (screenshot), the following is what worked:

        open -a --args --patientname="James Kirk"

3) the argument would not work, if passed as "-" (single hyphen) ... it needed 
"--". If that is the required method on all platforms, then we need updating at:

> If you want to call FreeDiams from a console (the
> commandline) you say this:
>       $> freediams
> If you want to tell FreeDiams the name of the patient you say this:
>       $> freediams --patientname="James T. Kirk"
> Now, GNUmed does nothing else :-)
> - it checks whether there is an active patient
> - it retrieves the active name thereof (say, James T. Kirk)
> - it creates a string 'freediams --patientname=' + '"James T. Kirk"'
> - it hands that string to a library function called os.system()
> - that function knows how to start an application
> This is a very coarse interface (for example it does not
> allow for a two-way interaction) but being very high level
> it will work on many platforms. Also, it is entirely
> sufficient for the purpose.
> The next step would be using exchange files:
>       $> freediams --input-file=gnumed2freediams.txt 
> --output-file=freediams2gnumed.txt
> GNUmed would need to create gnumed2freediams.txt and fill it
> with data in a predefined format and start FreeDiams.
> FreeDiams would read it and act according to it. FreeDiams
> would then create output-file and fill it with data
> according to a pre-defined format and quit. GNUmed would
> read it and act according to that ...

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