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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Success again using MacPorts

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Success again using MacPorts
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 19:25:01 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.33-6-desktop; KDE/4.4.3; i686; ; )

Am Dienstag 15 Juni 2010, 17:50:39 schrieb Jim Busser:
> On 2010-06-15, at 1:23 AM, Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> > Go to
> > and grab the tar.gz. Unzip it e.g. to /tmp and run
> Done. Below capturing what an unsophisticated user (like me, not thinking
> carefully) might encounter after installing MacPorts... note the testing
> below is without an internet connection:

Congrats. Nice job.

> **************************************************
> 1) problem of failure to complete a few installation requirements?
> e.g. failure to redirect calls to python to the MacPorts python 2.6 per
>       sudo ln -s
> /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python2.6

when running the script this would call the stock python and 
not the one in /opt/local

> python QUESTION:
> - note for the YIELD below, I did not yet already do either of the above,
> nor did I already do the step in the next 2 lines... do you think the link
> above and the python_select below would achieve the same thing: ? sudo
> port install python_select
>       sudo python_select python26

I believe it does. I used the two lines above as they were designed for that 
exact scenario and it lets you switch back any time

> MacBook:~ djb$ cd /Users/djb/Downloads/gnumed-gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/client
> MacBook:client djb$ sh ./
> -------------------------------------------------
> ./ line 38: git: command not found

git is not installed but that is of no concern for a user. Only if you want to 
update the source code through git itself you need to install this.

> Running from Git branch:

See above. Once could update the sources without having to download tarballs 
all the time. Only for developers.

> -------------------------------------------------
> GNUmed startup: Running from local source tree.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Creating module import symlink ...
>  real dir: /Users/djb/Downloads/gnumed-gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/client
>      link: /Users/djb/Downloads/gnumed-gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/Gnumed
> Adjusting PYTHONPATH ...
> /Users/djb/Downloads/gnumed-gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/Gnumed/pycommon/
> :11: DeprecationWarning: the MimeWriter module is deprecated; use the email
> package instead import urllib2 as wget, decimal, StringIO, MimeWriter,

@Karsten. Maybe we can do this already ? Does pyhton 2.5 allow this already ?

> mimetypes, mimetools DISPATCHER WARNING: connect(): unknown signal
> [test_result_mod_db] DISPATCHER WARNING: connect(): unknown signal
> [substance_intake_mod_db] Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display
> "/tmp/launch-uvUcuj/org.x:0".
I never saw that error. Guess it has to do with the combination of python, 
wxpython and thereby GNUmed. I guess you called the old python, thereby the 
old wxpython if at all and thereby a broken connection to X11

There are multiple ports of wx on Mac. Research is advised to find out if X11 
is neccessary.

> - does the user lose any advantage (line 38) from not having installed git?

See above.

> - to what do the DISPATCHER warnings relate (as it proved unrelated to the
> lack of an internet connection)?

Karsten will comment I am sure.

> - seemed to hang on the last line Xlib...

Should not happen when python is properly installed. If it does it is a bug 
which needs to be reported to the wxpython guys.

> would it be explained by lack of having made the symlink from python to
> MacPorts' python26

That is my suspicion.

> or do you suspect I only just didn't wait long enough
> for X11 to have been called the first time?
Nope. I don't think so.

> ******************************************
> 2) after retrying, after the symlink above was done (the retry hardly took
> any time)
> MacBook:client djb$ sudo ln -s
> /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python2.6

That is the important bit.

> python Password:
> MacBook:client djb$ sh ./
> -------------------------------------------------
> ./ line 38: git: command not found
> Running from Git branch:

see above.

> -------------------------------------------------
> GNUmed startup: Running from local source tree.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Adjusting PYTHONPATH ...
> /Users/djb/Downloads/gnumed-gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/Gnumed/pycommon/
> :11: DeprecationWarning: the MimeWriter module is deprecated; use the email
> package instead import urllib2 as wget, decimal, StringIO, MimeWriter,
> mimetypes, mimetools DISPATCHER WARNING: connect(): unknown signal
> [test_result_mod_db] DISPATCHER WARNING: connect(): unknown signal
> [substance_intake_mod_db] Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display
> "/tmp/launch-uvUcuj/org.x:0".
hhm. never saw this before. I only means that X11 is not 100% working to the 
point where screen rotation and stuff comes into play.

> - the above succeeded to raise the GNUmed client login dialog

Good job. BTW. The screeshots you posted look very X11fisch meaning the 
buttons, tab etc do not really look Mac-ish. I suspect this is due to how 
wxpython is compiled. I will try to investigate how this was compiled on 


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