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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Proposal for a remotely web-accessible patient summar

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Proposal for a remotely web-accessible patient summary
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 21:07:15 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.33-6-desktop; KDE/4.4.5; i686; ; )

Am Samstag 31 Juli 2010, 02:39:06 schrieb Jim Busser:
> Here is my concept for a remotely-browser-accessible summary of a GNUmed
> patient.

Good concept. Luke taught me to forget about webpages and start thinking 
exactly like the wxpython app. Could you maybe draw how you want it ? Do you 
want the sections as tree branches which can be collapsed ?

> Upon logging in (userid, password, ideally a 2nd factor)
> *************
> Search box
> *************
> Upon selection, be shown only a *limited* summary (name, birthdate, sex).
> The apprehension here is that the cautious doctor who (for convenience)
> used the only available but untrusted machine may prefer to not expose (to
> key loggers or screen capture) any more of the patient information than is
> necessary. So, the concept includes:
> 1) Display initially only the information that orients you to this patient:
> 2) Allow the selective opening of additional information "sections",
> facilitated by an "open all" button / link
> 3) The ability to be able to add even just:
> - a Waiting List item (a way to not "lose" that something known about
> remotely is going to need to be done and) - an Inbox item (a message that
> can be directed to any existing user or to no user, concerning this
> patient) - maybe here to just show the users short signing alias, not
> their userid (to mitigate user identity takeover)
> **********************************
> (limited summary)
> LASTNAME, Firstnames
> BIRTHDATE: YYYY.Mon.DD (tokenized)
> SEX: value
> **********************************
> (sections)
> <Inbox items>
> ...

Inbox items for the user that is loged in I guess.

> ...
> <Waiting list items>
> ...
> ...
makes sense
> <Demographic and identity>
> Health number: value (tokenized)
> ...
> ...
> <Hospitalization (most recent known)>
> ...
> <Operation (most recent known)>
> ...
> <Allergies & intolerances (known)>
> ...
> <Medications, current (known)>
> ... ...  
> <Medications, discontinued (known, past 120 days)>
> ...
> ... 
> <Problem list (filter TBA)>
> ...
what does filter TBA mean ?.
> ************************************
> (footer)
> generated <datetime> by <user> from <IP> using GNUmed (
> ************************************
> Remote user can easily print  or save to disk whatever exposed portions are
> desired. The inbox and waiting list creation items could even be
> configured in a way as to allow them to display enough text to serve a
> communication purpose (like information about a referral) which --- by
> being on the web browser's screen -- could be included in what is printed
> and placed on the hospital chart or faxed to the clinician who is being
> asked to help with this patient.
The visual part is not that hard to do. Whoever implements this can look at 
the existing wxpython code to see how to retrieve the data for the widgets.


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