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[Gnumed-devel] GNUmed Live - show GNUmed to anyone without installing

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed Live - show GNUmed to anyone without installing
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 20:22:59 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.8.3 (Linux/3.2.0-24-generic-pae; KDE/4.8.3; i686; ; )

Hi all,

Can you believe it. For years I have build Live versions of GNUmed with 
openSUSE studio. This is a web interface for building openSUSE based Live-DVD, 
vmware images, preload-iso, amazone cloud images and more.

Just today I fired it up again and let it run to build all the above variants. 
Imagine my suprise when I downloaded the built iso images, burned it to a RW-
DVD and popped it into an 2 year old HP/Compaq notebook usually running 
Windows 7. It booted off the CD without a hitch, logged into KDE, started the 
GNUmed client.

I selected databae on this PC from the login Window and it actually ran off a 
GNUmed database having been installed on the DVD during the iso creation 

What does this give you ? A fully working offline GNUmed demonstration 
billing and friends without any installation of software except popping a DVD 
into the drive.

Removing the DVD and rebooting returns you to an unaltered PC with whatever OS 
you had on there before.

Want to install permanently ? Get the preload iso and let it install openSUSE 
12.1 including a fully configured GNUmed.

Don't feel like wasting a DVD ? Get the Vmware image, open the freely 
available VMPlayer or Oracle's Virtualbox and try it out. GNUmed witihout any 
installation (except for Virtualbox or VMPlayer).

Wonder where to get it ? Get it at And once GNUmed 1.2 have 
been released I will copy it to


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