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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Synopsis (AOE?) attaches to the prior encounter?

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Synopsis (AOE?) attaches to the prior encounter?
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 02:13:53 +0000

On 2012-11-28, at 2:20 PM, Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

>> 3. Why is it that despite that I inputted the synopsis "Angina resolved…" 
>> today, it shows up in the EMR browser under the encounter from 6 days ago)?
> That's the start timestamp (2012-11-22 18:22) of the
> encounter within which the episode (containing the synopsis)
> was created. It also shows that you last modified the
> episode entry on 2012-11-28 11:18 (it doesn't show _what_
> thereof you modified:
>> .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> |   Happened |       Doc |     | Narrative
>> |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> | 2012-11-22 |      JaBu |   … | Encounter: review chart 2012-11-22 18:22 - 
>> 18:22 (2012-11-22 18:22)
>> |            |           |   A | Episode (open): Angina;
>> |            |           |     | Angina resolved on atenolol 50/d but 
>> intolerant thereof (hr 40/min).;
>> |            |           |     | (2012-11-28 11:18)
>> | 2012-11-28 |      JaBu |   … | Encounter: phone w/ provider 2012-11-28 
>> 10:40 - 10:55
>> |            |           |     |  RFE: MIBI Dec 7, 2012 @ 0715 (2012-11-28 
>> 11:34)
>> |            |           |   S | called by GP (patient in office), reported 
>> to her absence
>> <snip>
>> |       None |      JaBu |   O | Allergy state: unknown, unasked (2012-11-22 
>> 18:22)
>> `------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So if I have this correct, the (episode) synopsis remains a property of the 
episode, across its encountlets themselves spread across possibly multiple 
encounters, and its sequencing within the EMR journal so that it appears up 
with the oldest encounter-for-episode is a design choice?

Is it a property of (or dependent on) a stored reference to the oldest 
encounter-for-episode, or is it a "visually floating" property of having its 
date_clin set to match the oldest encounter?

One reason that I am finding this unnatural is because I had thought that the 
EMR journal overall structures its output, within the current patient, 
according to a truly chronologic sequence based on last_modified

        YYYY-MM-DD (date_modified, not date_clin)

                time_modified (from the datetime_stamp)

                        within time_modified, by row_type (soap u)

and if this is true then we should revert the synopsis so that it falls 
naturally among when it was last modified and not with (earlier) encounters.

Or is there something that I am misunderstanding?

-- Jim


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