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[Gnumed-devel] the state of test measurement storage and display in GNUm

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] the state of test measurement storage and display in GNUmed
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:29:26 +0000

Let us suppose that in GNUmed one did not (artificially) input all test 
measurements, regardless of their true source, as having been performed at

        arbitrary / virtual / pseudo / in-house lab.

Can I be helped to know whether in GNUmed it is currently possible, by any 
other means, to

1) display the Hemoglobin values originating from different lab "orgs" in a 
single, unified row

2) display the Hemoglobin values originating from different lab units of a 
particular lab "org" in a single, unified row

3) use panels to display, as a set of rows,

        Hemoglobin values obtained from Org 1 unit 1
        Hemoglobin values obtained from Org 1 unit 2
        Hemoglobin values obtained from Org 2 unit 1
        Hemoglobin values obtained from Org 2 unit 2

omitting rows where no result from that org unit exists for that patient?

Also, if #3 is possible,

- does the 1.4 GUI currently permit to assemble the components, and

- if the panel is extensible to be able to add, say,

        White blood cell count

what will determine the sort order of the rows? Alpha sort on test name short 
or test name long?

Among matches on test name short (or test name long) what will be the secondary 
and tertiary sort keys? Org name and then org unit name?

-- Jim

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