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Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed HL7 import - patient association or creation

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed HL7 import - patient association or creation
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:23:38 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:34:03PM +0000, Jim Busser wrote:

> >     dto = gmPerson.cDTO_person()
> >     dto.firstnames = pat_fname
> >     dto.lastnames = pat_lname
> >     dto.gender = HL7_GENDERS[PID[PID_gender][0]]
> >     dob = time.strptime(PID[PID_dob][0], '%Y%m%d')
> >     dto.dob = pyDT.datetime(dob.tm_year, dob.tm_mon, dob.tm_mday, tzinfo = 
> > gmDateTime.gmCurrentLocalTimezone)
> Are the minimum match requirements reflected by ALL of the following dto.
>       firstnames
>       lastnames
>       gender
>       dob
> meaning that whatever values would exist for these in the GNUmed patient 
> record will have to match what is is the HL7 PID ?
> IOW if the patient (in GNUmed) has a middle name, but did not supply it to 
> the lab then based on the current code will there fail to be a match?

GNUmed does not support a middle name (which is nothing but a second 

> And does the existing code somewhere else already take into account (forgive) 
> variations in upper / lower case or has that yet to be added (which I think 
> is both reasonable and arguably essential).

You left out the crucial last line of code:

        dto = gmPerson.cDTO_person()
=>      idents = dto.get_candidate_identities()

Let's see what that does:

        def get_candidate_identities(self, can_create=False):
                """Generate generic queries.

                - not locale dependant
                - data -> firstnames, lastnames, dob, gender

                shall we mogrify name parts ? probably not as external
                sources should know what they do

                finds by inactive name, too, but then shows
                the corresponding active name ;-)

                Returns list of matching identities (may be empty)
                or None if it was told to create an identity but couldn't.
                where_snippets = []
                args = {}

                where_snippets.append(u'firstnames = %(first)s')
                args['first'] = self.firstnames

                where_snippets.append(u'lastnames = %(last)s')
                args['last'] = self.lastnames

                if self.dob is not None:
dob) = dem.date_trunc_utc('day'::text, %(dob)s)")
                        args['dob'] = self.dob.replace(hour = 23, minute = 59, 
second = 59)

                if self.gender is not None:
                        where_snippets.append('gender = %(sex)s')
                        args['sex'] = self.gender

                cmd = u"""
                        SELECT *, '%s' AS match_type
                        FROM dem.v_basic_person
                                pk_identity IN (
                                        SELECT pk_identity FROM 
dem.v_person_names WHERE %s
                        ORDER BY lastnames, firstnames, dob""" % (
                _('external patient source (name, gender, date of birth)'),
                ' AND '.join(where_snippets)

                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': 
cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx=True)
                        _log.error(u'cannot get candidate identities for dto 
"%s"' % self)
                        _log.exception('query %s' % cmd)
                        rows = []

                if len(rows) == 0:
                        _log.debug('no candidate identity matches found')
                        if not can_create:
                                return []
                        ident = self.import_into_database()
                        if ident is None:
                                return None
                        identities = [ident]
                        identities = [ cIdentity(row = {'pk_field': 
'pk_identity', 'data': row, 'idx': idx}) for row in rows ]

                return identities

Do you think the first- and lastname matching should be case-insensitive ?

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