So I finally got to restoring my old v19 database in Mint 17.3, which has gnumed-server 19.6-1 and gnumed-client 1.4.6+dfsg-1 by Ubuntu.
The restore script seems to work ok without erros, but when I try to connect I get :
Unable to connect to database:
PostgreSQL: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "rogluz"
DSN: dbname=gnumed_v19 port=5432 user=rogluz password=� sslmode=prefer
Are you sure you have got a local database installed ?
Please retry with proper credentials or cancel.
(for the public and any new GNUmed data-
bases the default user name and password
are {any-doc, any-doc})
You may also need to check the PostgreSQL client
authentication configuration in pg_hba.conf. For
details see:
wiki.gnumed.de/bin/view/Gnumed/ConfigurePostgreSQLPlease consult the error log for all the gory details !
Please advise .