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[Gnump3d-devel] [PATCH] Updates to the tag cache

From: Stuffed Crust
Subject: [Gnump3d-devel] [PATCH] Updates to the tag cache
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:48:19 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Attached is a patch which alters several aspects of the tag cache 

0) A few formatting and typo fixes.
1) SIGHUP tells gnump3d to reload the cache.  It's currently implemented 
   such that the "reload check" happens in the main loop, but post-fork.
   The original "auto-reload" test was removed, as it was badly broken, 
   happening post-fork in each child.  (That was my code though, so I 
   suppose I cnan't blame anyone but myself..)
2) Convert the tag cahche to be a hashmap of hashes.  This makes the 
   overall memory usage slightly worse, but increses the runtime speed a 
   bit, especially for large directories.  Before, the file returned us 
   an array of key=value pairs, which we then converted into a hash on 
   each request.  On my collection, this has a ~3% memory penalty and a 
   noticable boost in runtime speed.
3) have the "valid" test skip empty tag keys and also mtime, which was 
   always present, thus mucking up the display of files lacking valid 
   ID3 tags.

I'm also working on a method to update the stored tag cache on the fly, 
so we don't need to manually re-run gnump3d-index to pick up those extra 

Lastly, I'm debating changing the behaivor of the "NEW" notification -- 
it makes more sense to compare it against the last tag cache update 
rather than the server startup time.   Using this mechanism we can 
also detect new files as well.  Thoughts?  (obviously my idea of 
updating the cache in real-time changes this a bit)

Anyhoo, back to the bit mines.

 - Pizza
Solomon Peachy                                   ICQ: 1318344
Melbourne, FL                                    JID: address@hidden
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur

Attachment: gnump3d.diff
Description: Text document

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Description: PGP signature

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