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Re: Thread safety/freindlyness vs. performance (Was: Modest string handl

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: Thread safety/freindlyness vs. performance (Was: Modest string handling optimisations)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:01:40 +0100

On 26 Aug 2004, at 10:09, David Ayers wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:

On 26 Aug 2004, at 01:01, Alexander Malmberg wrote:

It also fails if the string is mutable. There are some other cases of
this in NSString that I've been meaning to fix for a while.
Good point .. I consider this as more of a problem (since the memory
management policy issue is documented and keeps getting discussed on
mailing lists etc).  I guess, while it's not technically wrong to
return a mutable object where a method is declared as the immutable
version (and lots of MacOSX stuff does it), its more confusing.

Yes, this should be fixed.  If the "original" mutable string is altered
/after/ the call to -lowercaseString, this must not have an effect on
the string returned by -lowercaseString.

I'm not 100% sure ... there are some methods (eg. stringByExpandingTildeInPath) which are specifically documented as returning the receiver, so either we go against the MacOS-X documented behaviors in these cases, or we don't have a consistent
policy :-(
MacOS-X appears to return new objects for lowercaseString (for all the strings I tried), but it specifically says it doesn't to that for other methods. I haven't tested, so I don't
know whether the documentation is telling the truth.
Whichever we do, we need to document it ourselves, and keep our documentation honest. My inclination is to say, in the absence of a general policy, we follow MacOS-X behavior and change things if they change things ... not very satisfactory, but it seems pragmatic.

Also, arguably the apple guidelines are wrong ... in a multithreaded
environment, even if you retain/copy immediately after receiving a
returned value, another thread could have destroyed it.  So it's not
enough to say that you should retain/copy objects immediately, and the
only 100% safe policy is for any method returning an object to return
it retained and autoreleased. However, as most classes do not claim to
be thread-safe, this is perhaps not an issue.

Well I'm a bit undecided about this.  Mutltithreaded apps sharing
transient strings/arrays/dictionaries can get very complicated. I'd say
 that *if* we add retain/autoreleased policy, we add it in an
overridable macro.  Actually I'm currently considering doing something
like this for gdl2 and gsweb which currently prefer autorelease by policy.

I think current behavior is good in practice, as long as people are well aware
of the memory management guidelines.  For instance, if you do
 str = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: "AbC"];
 low = [str lowercaseString];
you *know* in practice that low is valid until you destroy str or the current autorelease pool. It's only when you ask some mutable class for an object that you need to worry about another thread changing things ... and if you are writing multithreaded code you really shouldn't be sharing mutable objects between threads unless they claim to be thread-safe or you are synchronizing the threads using locks. Having a macro to implement another policy doesn't seem like a bad thing though (except for a bit of additional complexity for people to remember), and gdl2/gsweb are so slow for other reasons that the performance penalty of high use of autorelease is probably not significant.

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