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Re: Application crashes when embedding GNU Smalltalk lib - Help?

From: Tim McIntosh
Subject: Re: Application crashes when embedding GNU Smalltalk lib - Help?
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 00:05:23 -0500

fyi - 

At the moment I seem to be successfully avoiding the problem by statically linking libgst (and libexecinfo) into my framework, as follows:

LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON = -Wl,-Bsymbolic,-Bstatic,-lgst,-lexecinfo,-Bdynamic -lreadline -lm

This is probably what I want to do anyway, since I'd like to encapsulate libgst in the framework to avoid the need to install it separately.


On May 1, 2007, at 10:27 PM, Tim McIntosh wrote:


Good call!  Apparently libgst includes libsnprintfv, which provides another version of register_printf_function (incompatible, of course -- it returns a pointer upon success).  I'll have to think about how to best work around this.

This brings up another question, though:  is it really safe/advisable to raise an exception in NSString +initialize?  Is there a better way to handle this error condition?  I've never seen the exception actually get printed;  the app always crashes with SIGSEGV.  In the original application where I first encountered this, I couldn't even get a usable stack trace--it looked like a stack overflow was occurring due to recursion or something.


On May 1, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Nicola Pero wrote:

from the stacktrace that you provided, it seems that the problem is in NSString +initialize.

In particular, you're getting the following exception:

#ifdef HAVE_REGISTER_PRINTF_FUNCTION                                                                  
      if (register_printf_function ('@',                                                              
#if PRINTF_ATSIGN_VA_LIST                                                                             
        [NSException raise: NSGenericException                                                        
                     format: @"register printf handling of %%@ failed"];                              

Maybe if you link GNU smalltalk, that interferes with register_printf_function() somehow ?  Or anyway
causes it to fail

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