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Re: Button Cell Images

From: Christopher Armstrong
Subject: Re: Button Cell Images
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 15:01:23 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)


Gregory John Casamento wrote:
I've been meaning to remove the NSButtonImageSource.m file in SVN.   It's not 
being used and is superflous since the version in GSNibCompatibility is the one 
which is currently being used.
OK then. From what I can work out, something like it is necessary for themed button images in GNUstep, as we need to modify NSButtonCell to use something other than NSImage instances to draw the themed version of a radio button or a switch button. I think it is Apple's solution to this problem as well, and it appears to be what was happening with regards to NSButtonImageSource.m and some code for the initWithCoder/encodeWithCoder in NSButtonCell.m.

We need some sort of way to theme button images regardless, so should I look at extending this class so it is used internally in GNUstep?


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