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Re: Changes in base

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: Changes in base
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:22:45 +0000

Hi Stef,

I believe you are missing something important here.  Although some 
CoreFoundation types are not toll-free bridged with specific Objective-C 
classes, they are all __attribute__((NSObject)) and all implement (at least 
some of) the NSObject protocol.  You can send -retain / -release to all of 
them, including things like CFSocket that are not toll-free bridged:

$ cat cf.m
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

int main(void)
        CFSocketRef s = CFSocketCreate(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        printf("%d\n", (int)CFGetRetainCount(s));
        [(id)s retain];
        printf("%d\n", (int)CFGetRetainCount(s));
        printf("%d\n", (int)[(id)s retainCount]); 
        NSLog(@"%@", s);
        NSLog(@"%@", [(id)s class]);
        return 0;
Liberator:tmp theraven$ gcc -framework Cocoa cf.m && ./a.out 
2010-03-13 18:20:07.933 a.out[44021:903] <CFSocket 0x100111290 
[0x7fff704fbf20]>{valid = Yes, type = 1, socket = 3, socket set count = 0,
    callback types = 0x0, callout = ??? (0x0), source = 0x0,
    run loops = <CFArray 0x100111360 [0x7fff704fbf20]>{type = mutable-small, 
count = 0, values = ()},
    context = <CFSocket context 0x0>}
2010-03-13 18:20:07.978 a.out[44021:903] __NSCFType

As you can see, the object responds to -retainCount, -retain, -description and 
-class.  It will also respond to things like -hash - you can store all 
CoreFoundation types in Objective-C collection classes (they are also Core 
Foundation collection types) transparently, for example.


On 13 Mar 2010, at 18:07, Stef Bidi wrote:

> I'm working on implementing the CFRuntime in corebase and would like to use 
> as much out of base as possible.
> This first change is trivial, really.  Some CF objects aren't toll-free 
> bridged, so calling methods on them is a big no-no.  This patch just works 
> around the only instance I could find of a method called on anObject in the 
> reference count functions in NSObject.m.
> I have a few more changes coming as I get to them.  I'll need to add a (void 
> *) at the beginning and one at end of NSZone, which I was going to propose 
> after the next release but figured it'd be easier to just do it now, rather 
> than later.
> Stefan
> <avoid_retainCount_method.diff>_______________________________________________
> Gnustep-dev mailing list
> address@hidden

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