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Re: how to port gorm files to renaissance?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: how to port gorm files to renaissance?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:13:02 +0100

yeah, I agree... originally i had intended to move the whole shebang
to renaissance and the inspectors turned out to be fairly difficult.

mainly because they are in a constrained space, and getting
the autolayout to work in that constrained space and look good
proved very difficult, you'd pretty much need to forgo the autolayout
mechanisms in renaissance and place everything with absolute

in addition to that there is alot of stuff like....
a | x
b | y
c | z
in the inspectors,
with a | x aligned horizontally, but
abc aligned vertically,  and the box based autolayout mechanisms
made it easy to get abc aligned vertically or ab by cz aligned
horizontally, but getting them both to align proved a challenge.

In subversion trunk there is a <grid> tag which does that. :-)

Check Examples/grid.gsmarkup and Examples/grid-proportional.gsmarkup.

Just pointing it out - if you prefer to use NIBs, why not.


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