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Re: Test suite

From: icicle
Subject: Re: Test suite
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 19:17:15 +0100
User-agent: Dynamic Internet Messaging Program (DIMP) H3 (1.1.6)


address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ gcc `icu-config --cflags` `icu-config --ldflags` -licuio -o test test_unum.c
test_unum.c:6: Warnung: Rückgabetyp von »main« ist nicht »int«
address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ ./test
1.234,560000 = 1234.56
1.234 = 1234

The decimal separator has changed, that's all.


Quoting Stefan Bidi <address@hidden>:

I'm not really sure.  I was hoping this test would return NaN as well.  Try
this other test.  Before, I used NULL (default locale) in the tests and now
it explicitly chooses "en", same as the GNUstep tests.  I'm hoping libicu
will return NaN this time.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:57 AM, <address@hidden> wrote:


address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ gcc `icu-config --cflags`
`icu-config --ldflags` -licuio -o test test_unum.c
test_unum.c:6: Warnung: Rückgabetyp von »main« ist nicht »int«
address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ ./test
1.234,560000 = 1234,56
1.234 = 1234

Could it be a Locale issue, since my Ubuntu uses a german one
(LANG="de_DE.UTF-8")? As I did a clean install of GNUstep today I did not
set a time zone or language yet, maybe that's an issue.


Quoting Stefan Bidi <address@hidden>:

 Hmm... The results you're getting are quite strange.  The only time these
method returns NaN is if the object is not a NSNumber.  If it is, than we
just send it through icu to get converted.  The problem here is that
libicu is returning 'NaN' for these values or NSNumber is return nil.

Could you run and report the output of the attach test?  I just want to
sure libicu is doing it's thing correctly.  To build it: gcc `icu-config
--ldflags` -licuio test_unum.c


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:02 AM, <address@hidden> wrote:


Test results, lots of NSNumberFormatter fails. I am using ICU 4.6.


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