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Re: Test suite

From: icicle
Subject: Re: Test suite
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:07:41 +0100
User-agent: Dynamic Internet Messaging Program (DIMP) H3 (1.1.6)

Nope, it is not. The issue arises when "unum_formatDouble" is called inside NSNumberFormatter, which converts a double to a string representation, and it always returns a string containing "NaN". Stefan's standalone test program does work, but inside NSNumberFormatter something gets terribly wrong. I even copied most of the test program's code right into a method in NSNumberFormatter and it starts failing in there too, even though it's a standalone chunk of code.


Quoting Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf <address@hidden>:

Am 06.03.2011 um 18:57 schrieb address@hidden:


address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ gcc `icu-config --cflags` `icu-config --ldflags` -licuio -o test test_unum.c
test_unum.c:6: Warnung: Rückgabetyp von »main« ist nicht »int«
address@hidden:~/Desktop/ICUtest$ ./test
1.234,560000 = 1234,56
1.234 = 1234

Could it be a Locale issue, since my Ubuntu uses a german one (LANG="de_DE.UTF-8")?

So maybe it's a decimal dots issue. In the German locale you would usually write: 1,23 instead of 1.23

Could this be the cause for the NaNs?



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