Did anyone get into contact?
I'll talk a bit with people at my workplaces to see if I can make some free
time to participate in GSoC regarding UIKit. I expect there should be
enough time to get the basics (UIWindow, UIButton, UIScrollView,
UITableView) to work. I'll think about participating in GSoC instead of
just contributing over the next few days, and I'll keep you posted.
In any case, if someone has written GSoC proposals during previous years,
something like UIKit or finishing the work on CoreData might warrant
stand-alone participation, too. Maybe even implementing "ubiquity" (iCloud)
APIs using something like Dropbox?
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 19:14, Fred Kiefer<address@hidden> wrote:
The application phase for mentoring organisations has started and will
last until the 9th of March. I would suggest that we again apply under the
the GNU umbrella project. Could somebody please get in contact with the GNU
project, to make sure they are aware of this?