Hello all,
In the end, I only played with compiling Base for Android since writing the previous mail. But, here's some bad news -- that happen to be good for my contributions to GNUstep :-)
It looks like I'll be free from the part-time job that I had last summer. So, any frustration that Fred may have had with me during Google Summer of Code should hopefully go away this year. That, of course, if someone still happens to think I can contribute interesting things :-)
I've thought a bit more about potential contributions for this GSoC, if someone chooses to mentor me and GNUstep gets a GNU slot. Here they are, in order of how "independently" I could implement them.
- UIKit. An implementation of UIKit, along with fixes to QuartzCore needed to make this happen (and to improve performance). I can mostly do this on my own, except for code review, advice and discussion that would improve the work.
- Core Data persistence. From what I understand, there is a basic implementation of Core Data for GNUstep. I could work on extending it with implementations of NSAtomicStore and NSIncrementalStore. I would not focus too much on multithreading, migration, lightweight migration, context merging, etc.
- Integration of QuartzCore into AppKit. This also requires a lot of handholding. Sadly, I don't quite have the "big picture" in my head of how GNUstep GUI works, especially the backends.
I'm of course most interested in things that do with QC, since I already spent a lot of time on Core Animation.
Is someone willing to mentor me for GSoC? Student applications start on Monday. It might also make sense to make an announcement at
address@hidden; maybe a more interesting candidate than me appears (or maybe GNU chooses to give us two slots).
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Ivan Vučica
<address@hidden> wrote:
I think it might also be a better year for me to participate as well.
I'd start preparing this week by working on:
- an OpenGL and OpenGL ES wrapper that would be usable by not just AppKit apps (a thin wrapper around GLX that uses CGL API)
- by moving QuartzCore to use that instead of AppKit
If I have some results by the deadline for student registration, I would feel confident to register this year, so it gets to be an even better experience for everyone :-)
The project would be: an implementation of parts of UIKit, along with patching QuartzCore where needed.
Ivan Vučica
via phone
On 25. 2. 2013., at 09:19, Fred Kiefer <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Just to remind you. As every year, the Google Summer of Code is approaching and we need to decide, whether we are going to participate. Last year I mentored Ivan and it was great fun and of course I learned a lot. Still it was the wrong year for me to do so, I didn't have enough free time to really fill up the role of a mentor. This year I should have more time for this but would prefer to pass on the mentor role to somebody else. And of course we should only participate if we can find suitable students.
> Fred
Ivan Vučica - address@hidden