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Re: Xib and keyed decoding

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Xib and keyed decoding
Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 14:44:20 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130329 Thunderbird/17.0.5

The offending code is in NSMenuView -trackWithEvent: you just need to comment out the line
[_window _captureMouse: self];

I am currently thinking about adding an environment switch for this, that would also control all the _releaseMouse: calls. I hope to find time to add this over the weekend.

On 24.05.2013 17:38, address@hidden wrote:
Could you tell me how to comment this part of code ?

Le 23.05.2013 22:41, Fred Kiefer a écrit :
The problem with the debugger freezing would still exist on a real
machine. This is caused by some mouse capturing code that went into
NSMenu to support some fancy theme a few years ago. This always bits
me when debugging interactive stuff and I have been pondering over
removing that code, or introducing a disable setting for it or a long
time now.

As or our other question, XIB loading uses keyed decoding just as you


On the road


I am still trying to understand how things work during xib decoding
and I tried to put some breakpoints
inside NSBox initWithCoder but it freezed the virtual machine
Before it crashes I was surprised to see that the debugger was
passing by the other if ([aDecoder allowsKeyedCoding])
while I thought when loading a xib it would use a keyed coding.
Was it just an hallucination and is there any case when loading a xib
where we don't enter inside allowsKeyedCoding ?
If I install a linux distribution on a real machine instead of a vm,
will I avoid the freeze during debugging ?


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