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Re: New GNUstep releases for base and gui?

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: New GNUstep releases for base and gui?
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 23:04:39 +0100
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Am 18.03.2015 um 09:12 schrieb Richard Frith-Macdonald:
> On 14 Mar 2015, at 22:03, Fred Kiefer <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I just noticed that openSuse will be switching to the GIFlib 5.1
>> release. Which means that we should get Riccardo's changes from last
>> summer out as fast as possible. There hasn't been a gui (nad back)
>> release in over a year and even the last base bug fix release is half a
>> year old.
>> There are plenty of other fixes and extensions in both libraries as well.
> I have no problem making a new release of base .,.. do you want it done 
> before gui or in sync with gui?

A shared base/gui/back release would be great. Maybe even a make
release? There have been a lot of smallish changes over the last year
that should justify a release.
We could set the next two weeks as a code freeze/testing period and have
the releases at the beginning of April.


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