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[Gomp-discuss] The directives...

From: Biagio Lucini
Subject: [Gomp-discuss] The directives...
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 12:13:41 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks for the references, Sebastian, just a glance was enough to
understand better a few things, a plan to give a deeper look at it over

As for the structure of the chain, what about 

C/FORTRAN openmp source -> translation to C/FORTRAN + threads -> simplify
-> etc.


To me it sounds better than simplifying directly the openmp code: the
threaded code is plain C/Fortran, so we won't need to attach nodes to the
simplify tree. The only thing we need to do is to decide at some point of
the chain simplify/glimpify whether to accept the proposed directives or
not. The other advantage will be that the openmp project will be
independent from other projects, which is in my view a big advantage in
this preliminary stage.

Of course, I can be missing something, so please let me know what you 


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