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[Gomp-discuss] Re: [gomp] parse OpenMP directives

From: Scott Robert Ladd
Subject: [Gomp-discuss] Re: [gomp] parse OpenMP directives
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:52:56 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040919)

Joseph S. Myers wrote:
And Geoffrey Keating estimated 6-9 man years for a C/C++ front end
merge with no adverse effects on language dialects supported or

By comparison, C - even GNU C - is *much* simpler to parse than C++,
and a few weeks to a few months should be sufficient to replace a C
parser (and no other components at the same time).

I'm a tad confused. Are we talking about writing a *separate* language
parser to handle OpenMP? I can't imagine that the resources exist to
write three language parsers.

My assumption was that the existing parsers would be extended to support
OpenMP directives.

Scott Robert Ladd
site: http://www.coyotegulch.com
blog: http://chaoticcoyote.blogspot.com

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