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Re: [Gomp-discuss] CVS?

From: Scott Robert Ladd
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] CVS?
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:25:15 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040919)

Diego Novillo wrote:
You should get a regular account at gcc.gnu.org.  With pserver you won't
be able to check-in.  You said your papers are all in, right?  If so,
I'd suggest that you fill-in the read-write access form at
http://gcc.gnu.org/cvswrite.html.  You can list me as your sponsor.


My papers have been in for more than a year; it was just never an issue before, since I usually post stuff to gcc-patches.



Scott Robert Ladd
site: http://www.coyotegulch.com
blog: http://chaoticcoyote.blogspot.com

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