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Re: [gpsd-dev] 3.11 release is imminent

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] 3.11 release is imminent
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 20:14:25 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.4 (berkeley-unix)

I am finding quite a lot of things wrong that make a release not ok.

* ldconfig non-portable usage

The ldconfig patch uses non-portable flags.

On NetBSD:

  $ ldconfig -v -N -X
  ldconfig: unknown option -- N
  ldconfig: usage: ldconfig [-c][-m][-r][-s][-S][-v][dir ...]

Reading the man page, the correct option is -r:

  $ ldconfig -r
          search directories: 

(but it's empty normally).  ldconfig -r -v prints out the same thing.

So the notion of running ldconfig should perhaps be #if linux.  From a
packaging viewpoint, the fact that someone configured their system to
have an extra dir does not imply that the generated binary should omit
RPATH, which would be wrong if it were moved to another system.
Generally packaging systems go to some effort to isolate code from
details about the current system, for repeatable builds.

I further don't understand how comparing ldconfig to libdir makes sense,
because if libdir is meant to be "lib", then one should be comparing to
$prefix + "/" + $libdir.   Sometimes libdir seems to be lib  and
sometimes /${prefix}/lib (complete with double leading /).

* release-3.10-125-ga496a59 seems ok (no live test, no pps)

I ran tests on netbsd-6/i386, and they passed (in build dir).  I
installed, and gpsd finds all its libs, and so does xgps.

* libdir has extra /

My build shows:

  Prepending //usr/pkg/lib to RPATH.

which has an extra /.

After building and install gpsd with prefix=/usr/pkg, /usr/pkg/sbin/gpsd

  RPATH                //usr/pkg/lib:/usr/pkg/lib

which is not harmful but not quite right.  I think the problem is that
libdir has an extra /, probably due to /${prefix}/lib, but I can't find

* libgps.pc is missing rpath, and generally wrong:

  $ pkg-config --libs libgps
  -Llib -lgps 

when it should be

  -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -lgps


  $ pkg-config --libs libusb
  -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -lusb 

Also, libgpsd is messed up:

  $ pkg-config --libs libgpsd
  -L/usr/pkglib -lgpsd 

and I don't understand why libdir doesn't have prefix in it; that seems

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