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Re: [gpsd-dev] Off by a second

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] Off by a second
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 12:35:04 -0700

Yo Hal!

On Wed, 01 Jul 2015 01:49:22 -0700
Hal Murray <address@hidden> wrote:

> Are you interested in chasing this?
> I've got a setup with GPS+PPS over USB.  It's a Sparkfun "Venus GPS" 
> connected via a Sparkfun "FT232R breakout" and 5 wires.  The Venus
> has a SkyTrak 638 chip.

Being off by exactly 1 second, my guess is the GPS forgot to take the
leap second.  Not much gpsd can do when a GPS fails to know the correct

If your GPS has not figured out the correct leap second by now you
could add 1 second to your ntp fudge to mitigate the GPS failure.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        address@hidden  Tel:+1(541)382-8588

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