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Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH] [log.chk] [TPV timing] implement $GPVTG message,

From: teyrana
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH] [log.chk] [TPV timing] implement $GPVTG message, and proper timing for output "TPV" messages
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 13:06:07 -0400

Hey, guys -- 

We've implemented the $GPVTG message, and I wanted to get the list's opinion on what the proper behavior is for emitting messages on $GPVTG vs storing and waiting.  ( I've attached the .log.chk)
The intended (/implemented) behavior was for VTG to populate, but not trigger output.

This sample input is relatively sparse, to illustrate the effects of the VTG message:  the file only includes GGA, VTG, ZDA, and HDT messages.


p.s. I ran into the list's size limit, which is why I tried to inclcude 
 p.p.s. Antenna in question:

Daniel Williams
858-220-8134 (Mobile)

Attachment: Hemisphere_Vector_v103-2018_05_17_1hz_vtg.log.chk
Description: Binary data

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