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Re: u-blox : layers are confusing me

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: u-blox : layers are confusing me
Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 14:18:38 -0700

Yo Hans!

On Sat, 20 May 2023 22:57:54 +0200
Hans Mayer <> wrote:

>  > ... The "layer" in VAL_SET is not an integer like you are
>  > thinking,   
> it is a bit map.....
> Ok, this I didn't realise. Now is everything clear.  Is this
> described anywhere? I didn't see it. But probably it is.

As I said, it is decribed in this doc:


This gives an overview, but it not very clear:

    Section 5.3 Configuration Layers

The bit mask is described here:

    3.10.26 UBX-CFG-VALSET (0x06 0x8a)

Note that VALGET behaves differently:

    3.10.26 UBX-CFG-VALSET (0x06 0x8a)

> I understand, "0" as bitmap does nothing.

Yup.  For VALSET, onlye.

> But why is parameter "1" in ubxtool changing layer 0 which is RAM ?

The answer is here:

    Section 5.3 Configuration Layers

Whan you chnage a layer, the Layer 0 is recomputed.

And note, we are only talking about VALSET.

> It must be:
>          0 - nothing


>          1 - set layer 0 (ram)

Yes.  But better to think of it that Layer 0 is recomputed from the layers.

>          2 - set layer 1 (bbr)

Yes.  And Layer 0 is recomputed.  Maybe over-riddend by layer 1.

>          3 - set layers 0 and 1

No.  1 and 2.  recomputing 0.

>          4 - set layer 2 (flash)

Yes.  And Layer 0 is recomputed.  Maybe over-riddend by layer 1 or 2.

>          5 = set layers 0 and 2

No.  1 and 4.  recomputing 0.

>          6 - set layers 1 and 2

No.  2 and 4.  recomputing 0.

>          7 - set layers 0, 1, 2

No.  1, 2 and 4.  recomputing 0.

>  >... Spend some quality time reading Section 5.3 of this  
> I did, not only once, but didn't find the answer.

This is u-blox, it only contrains the possible anssers.  Then re-read

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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