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[Groff] Re: Fw: Groff patch for correct HTML

From: Paul Sheer
Subject: [Groff] Re: Fw: Groff patch for correct HTML
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 00:25:21 +0200

what I am trying to do is make *all* Linux documentation
browsable with one application. See

>   +  fixed bug in generating special glyphs (seen when
>      processing

yes, i notice &s everywhere

BTW you can create a large interparagraph space with:

<table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void" cols="1"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><font size="+1">&nbsp;</font></td></tr></table>

and a small interparagraph space with:

<table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void" cols="1"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td><font size="-2">&nbsp;</font></td></tr></table>

so in theory you can actually create HTML output that
looks *exactly* like the DVI output.

roff bulletted lists are not converted properly.
i believe list items should be rendered like:

<TABLE width=100% border=0 rules="none" frame="void" cols="2"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<TR valign="top" align="left" bgcolor=blue>
<TD width=1%>
Item one text over here. 
<TR valign="top" align="left" bgcolor=red>
<TD width=1%>
Item two text over here.

using the same technique (as my patch) of using &nbsp; to
force the cell width.

also, the indented paragraphs of the FHS are not indented.



Paul Sheer Consulting IT Services . . . Tel . . . +27 21 761 7224
Email . . . address@hidden . . . . . . Pager . . . 088 0057266
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