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Re: [Groff] win32 experiences?

From: Kees Zeelenberg
Subject: Re: [Groff] win32 experiences?
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:55:48 +0200

It would affect users on non-MS-Windows systems who process files made on MS-Windows, i.e. with CR-LF. A perhaps not uncommon example is where text files made with an ordinary MS-Windows editor (and thus contain CR-LF's), are processed by a Cygwin Groff and where the Cygwin setup is as on Unix (i.e. text files have LF as line-endings). As long as 0xOD is just ignored, its being forbidden would only give lots of warnings. If, however, 0x0D would generate an error and a premature stop of groff processing, it would be very unpleasant. BTW, a native MS-Windows build of Groff does not have problems with CR-LF. Upon reading, all CR-LF's are converted to LF, and vice versa upon output. This happens in the read and write buffers, and so groff will never see the CR's.

Kees Zeelenberg

----- Oorspronkelijk bericht ----- Van: "Alejandro López-Valencia" <address@hidden>
Aan: "Werner LEMBERG" <address@hidden>
CC: <address@hidden>
Verzonden: zaterdag 30 oktober 2004 15:03
Onderwerp: Re: [Groff] win32 experiences?

On 30/10/2004 01:17 a.m., Werner LEMBERG wrote:
It is not groff (that is, troff and the post processors) that have
problems with CRLF files.

In GNU troff (the program), the character 0x0D is invalid and thus

Rather, it is some of the preprocessors. E.g., tbl dies
unceremoniously if given a CRLF file.

0x0D is handled as a normal input character in tbl.  I wonder whether
I shall I use libgroff's `invalid_input_char' (as in troff, pic and

Do you know any reason why this is missing?

No idea. I would think that if handling 0x0D as an `invalid_input_char'
hasn't afected the ability of OSX users to process their files it
wouldn't hurt to use in all the preprocessors.

Alejandro López-Valencia

Lo que Natura non da, Salamanca non presta.
                                Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas

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