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Re: [Groff] building process stuck when building groff-current

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Groff] building process stuck when building groff-current
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 21:54:58 +0200 (CEST)

> > I don't know.  My only Woe32 box in in the office, at work, behind
> > a proxy which blocks access to public CVS servers; all my CVS
> > checkouts are initiated from home, using GNU/Linux.  You should
> > ask the CVS maintainers directly, for IMO, a checkout which
> > imposes a LF --> CRLF conversion on the original files rates as a
> > defect.
> The CVS client is responsible for converting between the canonical
> line ending used in the repository and the local system's line
> ending (for text files).  "That CVS" is a Windows client and the
> Windows line ending convention is <CR><LF>.

groff on Win32 should be able to work with CR/LF smoothlessly, IMHO.
What groff actually should see in text files is CR/LF converted
to \n.  It's OK, however, if a Win32 version of groff fails on input
files which contains only CR or LF.


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