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Re: [Groff] building process stuck when building groff-current

From: Keith Marshall
Subject: Re: [Groff] building process stuck when building groff-current
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 21:54:55 +0100

On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 21:54 +0200, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> groff on Win32 should be able to work with CR/LF smoothlessly, IMHO.

In general, it does.

> What groff actually should see in text files is CR/LF converted
> to \n.

The `C' runtime library takes care of this, for compiled `C' or `C++'
code; all the program ever sees, after a `read', is `\n'.  The only
problem I've ever seen occurs when I create an input file on Win32, move
it to Linux, and forget to convert CRLF --> LF.

>   It's OK, however, if a Win32 version of groff fails on input
> files which contains only CR or LF.

It shouldn't have, (and I've never seen), any problem with LF only
input, (e.g. files moved from Linux without LF --> CRLF conversion);
files with CR only line endings probably would be problematic.

The particular failure, which triggered this discussion, is the result
of a bug in the MSYS shell, (fixed in the release candidate for our next
distribution).  It affects only the *building* of groff, not its
behaviour, once built.  There is a workaround for the bug, which is
completely innocuous for other platforms.  I know how to reproduce the
fault, so I'll apply the workaround to my working copy, and test on
Monday, before checking into CVS.


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