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Re: [Groff] groff german hyphenation question

From: Carsten Kunze
Subject: Re: [Groff] groff german hyphenation question
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:20:41 +0200 (CEST)

> nroffing
>   .hla de
>   .hpf hyphen.det
>   .hy 1
>   .ll 18n
>   .ds a \(:a
>   Ein trübes W\*asserchen.
> results in
>   Ein trübes Wässer-
>   chen.

I am not quite shure. There is hyphenation for that word but maybe not for that 
syllable.  As expected the hyphenation between is recongnized. But 
that between is not, even not for \(:a, but if you write "Wasserchen" 
and change .ll to 16n you get "Was-serchen". (But anyway I had no success with 
"ä" too.)

Is ".hla de" correct for the language setting or does it have to be ".hla det"? 
This seems to be not clearly documented in "5.8 Manipulating Hyphenation".

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