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Re: [groff] Unicode fonts output

From: Deri
Subject: Re: [groff] Unicode fonts output
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 22:59:29 +0100

On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 20:33:14 BST Jean Louis wrote:
> * Peter Schaffter <address@hidden> [2019-08-06 21:23]:
> > On Tue, Aug 06, 2019, Deri wrote:
> > > Two problems:-
> > > 
> > > One, my solution used underscores when it should have used
> > > hyphens, so the magic is U-!!
> How do I create U- fonts?
> Do I need to use devpdf/util/BuildFoundries somehow?
> Is there example how to use it?
> Jean

Hi Jean,

This is what I did:-

su -
cd /usr/share/groff/1.22.3/font/devpdf/
chmod +x util/BuildFoundries 

However, there may be many reasons this may not work on your setup! First, you 
must have the URW fonts fonts installed on the system, also BuildFoundries 
must know where to find them. It may also help if you have the ghostscript 
package installed on your system, because BuildFoundries uses the paths given 
by the command "gs-h" as places to search.

If the above commands fail to build the U- fonts, and you think that 
ghostscript and the URW fonts are already installed, do the command:-

locate n019003l.pfb # note an alpha ell (not numeric one) before the .pfb

Which should give you the path to the URW fonts. Check if this path is 
included in the output of "gs -h". If the path is not present in the output of 
that command you can manually edit the Foundry file present in the devpdf 
directory. The line to alter is:-

foundry|U|(gs):/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts :/opt/local/share/fonts/urw-
fonts # the URW fonts delivered with ghostscript (may be different)

This is line 68 on my system.

You can change the first path, after the first colon, to point to the 
directory you found with the "locate" command.

These instructions are if you have a version of groff which includes the 
BuildFoundries program in the devpdf/util directory. I believe later versions 
did not install it as part of the finished build, but since you mention it I 
am assuming you have the program.



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