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[Guile-commits] 03/08: pretty-print: inline some handling of read macros
From: |
Andy Wingo |
Subject: |
[Guile-commits] 03/08: pretty-print: inline some handling of read macros |
Date: |
Mon, 29 May 2023 04:03:38 -0400 (EDT) |
wingo pushed a commit to branch wip-custom-ports
in repository guile.
commit 17fffebdd363c239972797729acd8e9f03d7b40f
Author: Andy Wingo <wingo@pobox.com>
AuthorDate: Fri May 26 11:43:45 2023 +0200
pretty-print: inline some handling of read macros
* module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm (generic-write): Not really sure why
read macros are duplicated, but this is a refactor to use more match and
less cadr.
module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm | 56 ++++++++++++++++---------------------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm b/module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm
index ecc6dedf9..136869062 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/pretty-print.scm
@@ -35,33 +35,18 @@
(define (generic-write
obj display? width max-expr-width per-line-prefix output)
- (define (read-macro? l)
- (define (length1? l) (and (pair? l) (null? (cdr l))))
- (let ((head (car l)) (tail (cdr l)))
- (case head
- ((quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing) (length1? tail))
- (else #f))))
- (define (read-macro-body l)
- (cadr l))
- (define (read-macro-prefix l)
- (let ((head (car l)))
- (case head
- ((quote) "'")
- ((quasiquote) "`")
- ((unquote) ",")
- ((unquote-splicing) ",@"))))
(define (out str col)
(and col (output str) (+ col (string-length str))))
(define (wr obj col)
(let loop ((obj obj)
(col col))
+ (define (wr-read-macro prefix x) (wr x (out prefix col)))
(match obj
- (((or 'quote 'quasiquote 'unquote 'unquote-splicing) body)
- (wr body (out (read-macro-prefix obj) col)))
+ (('quote x) (wr-read-macro "'" x))
+ (('quasiquote x) (wr-read-macro "`" x))
+ (('unquote x) (wr-read-macro "," x))
+ (('unquote-splicing x) (wr-read-macro ",@" x))
((head . (rest ...))
;; A proper list: do our own list printing so as to catch read
;; macros that appear in the middle of the list.
@@ -107,21 +92,22 @@
(wr obj col)))
(define (pp-expr expr col extra)
- (if (read-macro? expr)
- (pr (read-macro-body expr)
- (out (read-macro-prefix expr) col)
- extra
- pp-expr)
- (let ((head (car expr)))
- (if (symbol? head)
- (let ((proc (style head)))
- (if proc
- (proc expr col extra)
- (if (> (string-length (symbol->string head))
- max-call-head-width)
- (pp-general expr col extra #f #f #f pp-expr)
- (pp-call expr col extra pp-expr))))
- (pp-list expr col extra pp-expr)))))
+ (define (pp-read-macro prefix x)
+ (pr x (out prefix col) extra pp-expr))
+ (match expr
+ (('quote x) (pp-read-macro "'" x))
+ (('quasiquote x) (pp-read-macro "`" x))
+ (('unquote x) (pp-read-macro "," x))
+ (('unquote-splicing x) (pp-read-macro ",@" x))
+ (((? symbol? head) . _)
+ (let ((proc (style head)))
+ (if proc
+ (proc expr col extra)
+ (if (> (string-length (symbol->string head))
+ max-call-head-width)
+ (pp-general expr col extra #f #f #f pp-expr)
+ (pp-call expr col extra pp-expr)))))
+ (_ (pp-list expr col extra pp-expr))))
; (head item1
; item2
- [Guile-commits] branch wip-custom-ports created (now 9df5a8dfb), Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 03/08: pretty-print: inline some handling of read macros,
Andy Wingo <=
- [Guile-commits] 04/08: Add "custom ports", Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 06/08: Use custom binary output ports for make-chunked-output-port, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 01/08: pretty-print: Use string-concatenate-reverse, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 02/08: pretty-print: inline genwrite:newline-str, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 05/08: Rewrite custom binary ports in Scheme, in terms of custom ports, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 08/08: Rewrite soft ports in Scheme, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29
- [Guile-commits] 07/08: Implement R6RS custom textual ports, Andy Wingo, 2023/05/29