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[Guile-commits] 07/08: Implement R6RS custom textual ports

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 07/08: Implement R6RS custom textual ports
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 04:03:39 -0400 (EDT)

wingo pushed a commit to branch wip-custom-ports
in repository guile.

commit d50087cfa481bf846e08d806d8d06cefa50a9f23
Author: Andy Wingo <>
AuthorDate: Sun May 28 14:20:34 2023 +0200

    Implement R6RS custom textual ports
    * module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm (custom-textual-port-read+flush-input):
    (make-custom-textual-input/output-port): New procedures.
 module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 165 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm b/module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm
index ba30a8b1f..f79621ea7 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/textual-ports.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; textual-ports.scm --- Textual I/O on ports
-;;;;   Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;;   Copyright (C) 2016, 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
 (define-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
   #:use-module (ice-9 ports internal)
   #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 custom-ports)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
   #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
   #:re-export (get-string-n!
@@ -33,7 +36,10 @@
-            get-line))
+            get-line
+            make-custom-textual-input-port
+            make-custom-textual-output-port
+            make-custom-textual-input/output-port))
 (define (get-char port)
   (read-char port))
@@ -68,3 +74,160 @@ the characters read."
     (cond ((eof-object? rv) rv)
           ((= rv count)     s)
           (else             (substring/shared s 0 rv)))))
+(define (type-error proc expecting val)
+  (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg proc "Wrong type (expecting `~S'): ~S"
+             (list expecting val) (list val)))
+(define (custom-textual-port-read+flush-input read)
+  (unless (procedure? read)
+    (type-error "custom-textual-port-read" "procedure" read))
+  (define-values (transcoder get-bytes) (open-bytevector-output-port))
+  (define buffer #f)
+  (define buffer-pos 0)
+  (define (%read port bv start count)
+    (unless (and buffer (< buffer-pos (bytevector-length buffer)))
+      (let* ((str (make-string (max (port-read-buffering port) 1)))
+             (chars (read str 0 (string-length str))))
+        (unless (and (exact-integer? chars) (<= 0 chars (string-length str)))
+          (scm-error 'out-of-range "custom-textual-port-read"
+                     "Value out of range: ~S" (list chars) (list chars)))
+        (cond
+         ((zero? chars) 0)
+         (else
+          (unless (eq? (port-encoding port) (port-encoding transcoder))
+            (set-port-encoding! transcoder (port-encoding port)))
+          (unless (eq? (port-conversion-strategy port)
+                       (port-conversion-strategy transcoder))
+            (set-port-conversion-strategy! transcoder
+                                           (port-conversion-strategy port)))
+          (put-string transcoder str 0 chars)
+          (set! buffer (get-bytes))
+          (set! buffer-pos 0)))))
+    (let ((to-copy (min count (- (bytevector-length buffer) buffer-pos))))
+      (bytevector-copy! buffer buffer-pos bv start to-copy)
+      (if (= (bytevector-length buffer) (+ buffer-pos to-copy))
+          (set! buffer #f)
+          (set! buffer-pos (+ buffer-pos to-copy)))
+      to-copy))
+  (define (%flush-input)
+    (get-bytes)
+    (set! buffer #f))
+  (values %read %flush-input))
+(define (subbytevector bv start count)
+  (if (and (zero? start) (= count (bytevector-length bv)))
+      bv
+      (let ((sub (make-bytevector count)))
+        (bytevector-copy! bv start sub 0 count)
+        sub)))
+(define (custom-textual-port-write write)
+  (unless (procedure? write)
+    (type-error "custom-textual-port-write" "procedure" write))
+  (lambda (port bv start count)
+    (let* ((bytes (subbytevector bv start count))
+           (str (call-with-input-bytevector
+                 bytes
+                 (lambda (bport)
+                   (set-port-encoding! bport (port-encoding port))
+                   (set-port-conversion-strategy!
+                    bport
+                    (port-conversion-strategy port))
+                   (get-string-all port))))
+           (len (string-length str)))
+      (let lp ((written 0))
+        (cond
+         ((= written len) count)
+         (else
+          (let ((to-write (- len written)))
+            (let ((res (write str written to-write)))
+              (unless (and (exact-integer? res) (<= 0 res to-write))
+                (scm-error 'out-of-range "custom-textual-port-write"
+                           "Value out of range: ~S" (list res) (list res)))
+              (lp (+ written res))))))))))
+(define (custom-textual-port-seek get-position set-position! flush-input)
+  (when get-position
+    (unless (procedure? get-position)
+      (type-error "custom-textual-port-seek" "procedure" get-position)))
+  (when set-position!
+    (unless (procedure? set-position!)
+      (type-error "custom-textual-port-seek" "procedure" set-position!)))
+  (define (seek port offset whence)
+    (cond
+     ((eqv? whence SEEK_CUR)
+      (unless get-position
+        (type-error "custom-textual-port-seek"
+                    "R6RS custom textual port with `port-position` support"
+                    port))
+      (if (zero? offset)
+          (get-position)
+          (seek port (+ (get-position) offset) SEEK_SET)))
+     ((eqv? whence SEEK_SET)
+      (unless set-position!
+        (type-error "custom-textual-port-seek"
+                    "Seekable R6RS custom textual port"
+                    port))
+      (flush-input)
+      (set-position! offset)
+      ;; Assume setting the position succeeds.
+      offset)
+     ((eqv? whence SEEK_END)
+      (error "R6RS custom textual ports do not support `SEEK_END'"))))
+  seek)
+(define (custom-textual-port-close close)
+  (match close
+    (#f (lambda (port) #t))
+    ((? procedure?) (lambda (port) (close)))
+    (_ (type-error "custom-textual-port-close" "procedure" close))))
+(define (custom-textual-port-random-access? set-position!)
+  (if set-position!
+      (lambda (port) #t)
+      (lambda (port) #f)))
+(define (make-custom-textual-input-port id read get-position set-position!
+                                        close)
+  (unless (string? id)
+    (type-error "make-custom-textual-input-port" "string" id))
+  (define-values (%read %flush-input)
+    (custom-textual-port-read+flush-input read))
+  (make-custom-port #:input? #t
+                    #:read %read
+                    #:seek (custom-textual-port-seek get-position set-position!
+                                                     %flush-input)
+                    #:close (custom-textual-port-close close)
+                    #:random-access?
+                    (custom-textual-port-random-access? set-position!)))
+(define (make-custom-textual-output-port id write get-position set-position!
+                                         close)
+  (unless (string? id)
+    (type-error "make-custom-textual-output-port" "string" id))
+  (define (flush-input) #t)
+  (make-custom-port #:output? #t
+                    #:write (custom-textual-port-write write)
+                    #:seek (custom-textual-port-seek get-position set-position!
+                                                     flush-input)
+                    #:close (custom-textual-port-close close)
+                    #:random-access?
+                    (custom-textual-port-random-access? set-position!)))
+(define (make-custom-textual-input/output-port id read write get-position
+                                               set-position! close)
+  (unless (string? id)
+    (type-error "make-custom-textual-input/output-port" "string" id))
+  (define-values (%read %flush-input)
+    (custom-textual-port-read+flush-input read))
+  (make-custom-port #:input? #t #:output? #t
+                    #:read %read
+                    #:write (custom-textual-port-write write)
+                    #:seek (custom-textual-port-seek get-position set-position!
+                                                     %flush-input)
+                    #:close (custom-textual-port-close close)
+                    #:random-access?
+                    (custom-textual-port-random-access? set-position!)))

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