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Re: Me and code changes

From: Rob Browning
Subject: Re: Me and code changes
Date: 29 Jul 2001 16:18:38 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

 (This mail is fairly old, but I just learned that I've been having
  intermittent outgoing mail failures, so I'm re-sending those bits
  that I could track down and that "should have gone out".  FWIW
  postdrop is having trouble when asked to use a non-world-writable
  maildrop -- the Debian maintainer and I are trying to track it
  down.  Some of the contents may be irrelevant now...)

Marius Vollmer <address@hidden> writes:

> [I will see to it that the branch happens in the next days.  I'm
>  feeling throttled by it not happening...]

Sorry Marius.  I've been buried here for the past 2.5 weeks.  However,
I should be fairly free for at least several weeks starting tomorrow.
I'll make sure the branch happens by Sun., and then proceed with the
steps toward the release.

Rob Browning
rlb,, and
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