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Automated linting before master branch commit

From: mikadoZero
Subject: Automated linting before master branch commit
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 12:49:59 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.0; emacs 26.1

# Automated linting

What do people think about automating package linting?  This would be to
make sure a package is linted before it is committed to the Guix
repository master branch?

I am not familiar with what Guix uses for continuous integration /

I do not know if automated linting is already in place.  The packages
on the master branch that have linting issues could have been committed
before automated linting was in place.

# Acknowledgment

It was brought to my attention by Tobias Geerinckx-Rice:

"... tarballs aren't guaranteed to be stable over time (GitHub can
regenerate them, changing the metadata and hence the hash, and has done
so in the past). 

They must not be used.  ..."

# Guix master branch

There are package in the Guix repository master branch that use an
autogenerated tarball and have this lint output:

"the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball"

# Number of packages

Estimated number of packages with autogenerated tarball:


This is a low estimate as it is only counts GitHub autogenerated

This estimate is from this command run in the Guix repository.

`grep github.*archive gnu/packages/*scm | wc -l`

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