I'm not at all fixated on a minimal package and I resent the idea of putting minimal effort in.
I was purely asking a simple question, there's no need to resort to rudeness.
On 6 Feb 2021, at 11:22, Leo Prikler < leo.prikler@student.tugraz.at> wrote:
Am Samstag, den 06.02.2021, 10:58 +0000 schrieb Ellis Kenyő:
As long as it can reasonably be expected, that users will want it, yes. If the soft dependency is indeed completely optional, the software works perfectly fine without it and few people will be negatively impacted by a minor feature missing, then it's fine to leave it as-is
This is the only point I'm making. Things like templates and encryption aren't used by everyone so could definitely be optional, so I was asking if there was a simple way to handle optional inputs. As it doesn't seem like there is I'll just add everything required.
I'd like to say "use your best judgement", but you seem to be a little too fixated on having a minimal package description (and putting minimal effort into it). For instance, when the package advertises encryption, while it is technically optional, shipping it without gpg would be a grave oversight! (On the other hand, you need not necessarily have openssl, since encryption requires any of gpg or openssl, not both.) Same for templates, at least awk is required and either j2cli or envtpl would be nice to have.
Regards, Leo