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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst

From: Toni Alatalo
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 08:15:18 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Toni Alatalo <address@hidden>   03/02/13 08:15:18

Modified files:
        storm          : article.rst 

Log message:
        mentioned copy-paste in evaluation


Index: manuscripts/storm/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.138 manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.139
--- manuscripts/storm/article.rst:1.138 Thu Feb 13 08:08:38 2003
+++ manuscripts/storm/article.rst       Thu Feb 13 08:15:18 2003
@@ -1132,10 +1132,10 @@
 able to see each other's documents and follow links to them if a
 peer-to-peer implementation of Storm is used (and pools published
 accordingly..? what should be discussed here?).
-Finally, if a document is split to parts, links to the elements that are
-then in the new documents do not break, bacause with xanalogical storage
-the links are actually to spans that are transcluded in all the documents
-that show them.
+Finally, if a document is split to parts (or content from one copy-pasted to
+another), links to the elements that are then in the new documents do not
+break, bacause with xanalogical storage the links are actually to spans that
+are transcluded in all the documents that show them.
 *Tracking alternative versions*. Because Storm utilises immutable blocks,
 each modification to a document creates a new block. When a document is

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